It’s so hard to surrender, because we think we know what’s best for us and for those around us.

Hello! Look around; we don’t always know what’s best.

We are control freaks, constantly wanting to control others, when the truth of the mater is, it’s a huge task just to manage ourself. To prove it, choose a thought that you would like to focus on for sixty seconds. Set a timer. Now focus on that one thought. How many times did you stray from that thought before the minute was up? It sounds easy to be in control, but it’s not. Our minds tend to run amok with the discipline of a three year old.

How much more relaxed could we be if we accepted the fact that we just don’t have all the solutions? We don’t know how to solve what we consider problems for ourselves and our families, much less the problems of our country and nation. This fact is obvious, when we read the news paper or turn on the TV; it’s showing up in our streets, homes, classrooms, workplaces, and government.

So, what can we do differently? We can realize that we are all connected, created by the same Divine energy. We can surrender to that Divine energy, listening to that quiet voice within that “knows” all.

When we truly come from a place of love, compassion, and grace, we hand the reins of our lives over to God, to Love. Surrender doesn’t mean to disengage, sitting on the couch watching TV. Surrender means engaging with one another in Love. Surrender means treating each other with dignity and respect. It means teaching others how to treat us. It means being proactive, from a place of love instead of reactive from a place of fear.

Today, I pray that we surrender to the all powerful Divine Love that resides in us all.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!