Every sunrise is an opportunity to do something new and or different.
Are you creating a life of your dreams or are you just going through the motions of life? If we want something different, we have to do something different.
Realizing we get to choose what we think about is paramount in creating a life of our dreams.
Ironically we tend to focus on what we don’t want as apposed to what we do want. Energy follows thought, so we are getting what we are thinking about.
I will use my recent pool playing experience as an example. As I would look at a potential shot with the thought “this is a really tough shot,” it was, and I would miss the shot. Yet when I took on the persona of a seasoned pool player, visualizing the balls effortlessly rolling into the pocket or bouncing off the rim into the pocket, the results where amazing.
We can use this thinking in all aspects of our life. We can put on the persona of a great chef, singer, healer, lover, yoga master or anything our heart desires.
Today I pray, we open up our imaginations and create a life of our choosing.