The Joy of Innocence!
Although it may not be remembered, most of us experienced a time of innocence, free of fears, judgments, expectations and resentment. We were just a vessel of unconditional love.
The Course in Miracles says “The understanding of the innocent is truth.” Jesus talks about how the only way to experience heaven is like a child.
Watching my one and a half year old granddaughter Emmaus innocently give and receive love freely was such a reminder to me of how I want to be, the essence of love, only.
When her brother wanted something she had, she would just give it to him.
She walked in my front door with a smile and open arms, ready to give and receive a kiss.
When asked if she wanted something, she was quick to respond, yes or no.
She is willing to try new things; as she was eating a bite of sand, I asked her if it was good and with a smile on her face, she energetically shook her head yes.
I was so impressed that even when asked if she was tired, she would sometimes say yes and be eager to lay down.
Oh how I aspire to be a pure vessel of innocent trusting love.
Thank you Emmaus for reminding me what unconditional love looks like.
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE Radiant, Radical & Real!