Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Living in the moment is a moment by moment choice – right?
It’s about training our minds that tend to run amuck. Try and focus your attention on one thing, how long can you hold a thought? The good news is, brain specialist have come to realize our brains have plasticity . (google neuroplasticity for more info.). It’s easier to create new habits than it is to get rid of old ones. One of the ways to train our minds is to use our senses.
What do you SEE in the moment?

Do you notice the different colors of green? The color of the sky? What do the clouds speak to you of? Look around in all directions – take it all in. Notice something that you have never noticed before. Pay attention.
What do you SMELL? Is the air cool, hot, musty, do you smell coffee, pine trees, perfume, or cologne? Take a moment and smell all the different fragrances that are before you.
What about TOUCH? How often do we move through a day without paying attention to all the different textures that we touch. As we get ready for the day or for bed – being in the moment would mean that we felt the water touching our skin, smelling the soap, and feeling the softness of the towel. We would notice the different textures of our clothes and shoes – the coolness of granite or metal, the softness of pillows and blankets.

And what about TASTE, oh my the different delectable choices we have to entice our taste buds, with all the different textures and aromas that accompany them. How often do we just eat our food without truly experiencing our food. And what about blessing our food?
Please consider joining me in August to be in the Moment – to experience the fresh country air, the blue lake water, tasty foods, and simple living.
Retreat into the Sacred on August 27th & 28th on beautiful Lake Texoma (about 65 miles north of Dallas). Retreat Video
Today I pray that we all take time to live in the moment and appreciate all the abundance that it has to offer us.
blessings & love,

Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!