Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What grounds you? When do you feel most peaceful?
For me, it’s when I am close to a body of water.
I have always dreamed of living on the water. When my dad dropped dead on a golf course at 58, I realized that someday may never come.
So I packed up my resistant family and headed for the water. There was certainly a lot searching and growing in between.
When I stepped onto the land that we live on – I “KNEW” that this is where I was suppose to live. There were lots of obstacles, challenges, & letting go, but we ended up here.
The water grounds me because – it makes me feel small and yet part of something huge – our planet is made of 70.8% water – our bodies are 75% water. Water is a big deal for all of us.
In that grounding, I am able to let go of my small self and surrender to the big omnipotent, omnipresent SELF.
Today, I pray that we all ground ourselves in LOVE.
Blessings & Love,

Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!