It’s so much easier to blame someone else or circumstances for how we feel, isn’t it. Let’s face it, we can always rationalize how we feel or what we do, by blaming someone or something else.
The truth of the matter is, I am the only one that is responsible for how I feel. You are the only one responsible for how you feel.
Can someone be mean, ugly, aggressive, or manipulative, sure; but that doesn’t mean we have to make it about us. They are the ones acting out. Do we want to join in the disfunction or be a miracle worker?
“Stuff” happens to everyone, it’s what we CHOOSE to do with it, how we look at it, that makes the difference.
You’ve probably met someone, that in the face of what some might consider a disaster, has an amazing attitude. You might also know someone that is always cranky about something.
Which of these dispositions fits you the most?
When we feel attacked or hurt, instead of attacking back, we can hear a cry for help, a cry for love.
The only reason we attack is because we are scared. We are afraid that we are wrong, or that someone is going to get something that we want, or take something away from us. Bottom line, if you go underneath all of the anger and fears, what’s left is the feeling of not being good enough and the fear of being alone.
If we want, we can ask for the miracle of PEACE, in doing so we will extend love not only to the other person, but also to ourselves.
Today I pray, we choose to be miracle workers and extend love.
blessings & love,