Thursday September 29, 2011
Well, quit thinking about it.
When we focus on stopping a bad habit, we are creating more energy around the very thing that we don’t want. Like if I concentrate on not eating, all I am thinking about is food. Instead, if I where to concentrate on being healthy and maybe meditating or taking a walk, I would put my attention on what I want instead of what I don’t want. Neurologists have come to realize that our brains have plasticity as opposed to being hardwired. In other words we can change our minds, we can change how we think. We can CHOOSE what we focus on.
The biggest barrier to changing a habit is guilt. When we feel guilty about how we have been or what we have done, we are giving our power away to the past. All we have is this very moment, so in this moment what are you focusing on, loving thoughts, or not so loving thoughts, abundance or the fear of not having enough, feeling Divine or not feeling good enough?
Today I pray that we pay attention to our thoughts, that we choose to be proactive and accountable for the energy that we are promoting in this amazing world that we have been given the opportunity to embody Spirit in.
blessings & love,
Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!