Friday, February 25, 2011

living a balanced life can be challenging

When any part of our life is out of balance, all parts of our life our effected.

Creating practices that encourages balance in our lives is paramount to manifesting a life of joy and wonder.

The four directions represent different aspects of our life’s experience.

North represents Spirit

South represents our Physical Body

East represents our Mind

West represents our Emotions

So……I call on the winds of the North to help me grow my Spiritual Sacred Self. I spend time asking myself: where am I spiritually, do I feel connected, am I living small spiritually, what do I want in my spiritual life, how important is my spiritual life? Then the accountability question, what effort or action steps am I taking to support my desired outcome.

When calling on the winds of the South to help me with my physical experience, I might ask: how am I being God’s hands and feet on this earth, how do I feel about being here, how do I feel about my body, how am I walking in this world, do I feel passionate and purposeful? What can I do in this body, in this time, to serve the world?

The winds of the East are about my mind; I might ask: what do I need to know, who is in charge of my thoughts (am I), does my mind run amuck, do I just let my mind wonder or do I practice disciplining my mind? How old is my mind? Is it like a three year old – can’t sit still and focus? Or is it like a teenagers mind, always wondering what other people are thinking about me? Is my mind addicted to thoughts, like a hamster on a wheel? Can I quiet my mind, long enough, to spend time with the Holy Spirit within or is it all about ego & separateness?

Oh how I call on the winds of the West for help me with my emotions. Are my emotions based on how I want to feel or are they based on the past? Am I coming from a place of hurt and resentment, drinking the poison, hoping someone else dies? Or do I feel transparent, with the knowing that I am Divine?  Am I managing my emotions or are they at the mercy of people and circumstances? Am I choosing joy and love in my heart? Stuff happens to everyone, how we perceive it, is a choice.

Today, I pray we take action to create balance in our lives so we can soar to the highest heights.

Blessings and love,

Until next time, be radiant, radical, & real!