“Stuff” happens all the time. It’s our response to the “stuff” that counts.

Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes, whether it takes the form of a traffic jam, an unhappy client or boss, a disgruntled coworker, health issues, a friend yelling at us, or a past due notice. The issue here is not the obstacle, but our reaction to the obstacle. This is where transformation is given a platform.

We have an automatic reaction that takes place within us. It may show up as anger, resentment or hurt. The key is to not take the obstacle personal, but to take it as an opportunity for growth.

Instead of having an emotional reaction, we can step back from the situation and breathe in the idea of “what’s really going on here?” In choosing not to react, we open up space for pro-activeness. When we are proactive from our Higher Self, our best self, we remember that we are all connected and that as we behave towards others, we behave towards ourselves. In this space, we are miracles workers.

Maybe the traffic jam is keeping you right where you are for a reason. Maybe your boss or friend just found out someone they love has cancer. When someone gets upset, there are usually layers of pain or hurt underneath the behavior.

To be proactive, is to realize that the problem is not the person or the situation, but our personal interpretation.

Today I pray, we realize how powerful being proactive is. No one owns our thoughts but us. We get to choose what we think and how we act. May we act in Love!

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, Be radiantradical & real!
