Springtime is a reminder that nature just like us, is in a constant state of change. Watching new leaves push old stubborn leaves to finally let go, reminds me of how we can hold on to old thoughts, beliefs, stories, grudges, and resentments. Even though we know that any thoughts that aren’t based in love don’t serve our greatest good, we can be stubborn about letting them go. Negative thoughts and resentments can serve us in the sense that if we can blame someone else for what we consider to be our failings, then we don’t have to be accountable for the life we live. We can blame our lack of self worth on others, but in the end, we are responsible for how we think about our selves. Nobody can give us our self worth and no body can take it away.

The most powerful way to let go of past hurts and resentments is through forgiveness. Forgiveness is a big deal, it’s about letting go, so new growth can begin. Forgiveness is not saying what happened was ok, it’s saying, I release myself from this resentment, anger and pain.

In each moment, we get to choose what we focus on and how we see it.

I don’t believe it was an accident that one of the last things Jesus said on the cross was “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

I have watched people literally look ten years younger after forgiving someone for an old wound. Forgiveness is about freedom, the freedom to be happy, no matter what has happened in the past. The odds are, the persecutor was a victim themself.

The more we freely forgive, even the little things, the more room we create in our hearts and in our lives for more love to be experienced.

Forgiveness is a practice, just like anything else, the more we practice, the better we are at it. When we forgive others, we are also forgiving ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t always behaved in a manner that I have been proud of. When we judge others harshly, we judge ourselves harshly. It’s time for us to love ourselves unconditionally, no matter what.

The more we practice loving others, the more we feel love inside. Jesus reminds us “The kingdom of God is with you.”

Today I pray, we let go of all resentments, anger and pain creating the fertilizer for our growth into the awareness of the beauty of our soul.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
