Some people make New Year’s resolutions every year. Some follow through with these resolutions; while others are mere thoughts that pass before the end of the first day.

The truth is, the opportunity for change is right here in each and every moment.

Change starts with a thought, the desire for something new or different. Remember insanity is thinking we can do the same thing over and over again and get different results.

Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew at one time, creating unrealistic expectations; resulting in setting ourselves up for failure and resentment.

So let’s make a commitment today, to be the very best we have ever been.

Let’s start with “SELF TALK”, what’s your answer to the following questions?

What do I think about myself when I look in the mirror?
From this moment on, I am committed to only kind thoughts about myself. I choose to look for the positive; accepting, and loving myself as I am.

When I make a mistake do I beat myself up?
From this moment on, I am committed to letting myself off the hook. I choose to learn something positive from all of my experiences. I forgive myself.

Do I constantly worry about what other people think?
From this moment on, I am committed to not worry. If I have a question, I will choose to ask it in a productive and positive way. I realize that I cannot  please all people all of the time. I choose to live a life of intention and integrity.

The opportunity for change exists in each and every moment. “SELF TALK” affects all of our thoughts and actions.

Today, I pray we make each moment a fresh start in love.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!