Most of us are addicted to what other people think.
Although I thought I couldn’t care less what someone else thought, I finally came to realize I really did care more than I wanted to admit. It’s something I continue to address within myself.
If you think you don’t care about what other people think, here is a test: Ask yourself, “how judgmental am I towards others?” If you acknowledge that you are being judgmental and critical of others, then on some level, you must think that others are also being judgmental and critical of you. It only makes sense.
If someone doesn’t like our shoes, clothes, hair or what we say and think, that’s about them. If we don’t like something about someone else, that’s about us. This is different from constructive feedback. Constructive feedback comes from a place of love and serving, from a place of connectedness and oneness rather than separation and judgement.
As we realize that we are all connected and basically the same, we will have more grace and acceptance for each other.
We are all on a healing journey to remember who we really are. As we have more compassion, forgiveness and acceptance for others, we will have more compassion, forgiveness and acceptance for ourself. Accepting and loving ourself frees us from taking what others think personal.
Today, I pray we realize how Divine we are and step into that Divinity with acceptance, compassion and most of all love.
And so it is!
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE radiant, radical & real!