Monday, October 18, 2010
Geese symbolize Imagination.
Remember Mother Goose’s children’s stories and rhymes.
What were your favorite childhood stories? Do you notice a theme to the stories that you liked the most? Is there any correlation between the stories that you were most attracted to and your life?
One of my most favorite stories is still “Cinderella”. I spent a lot of my life wanting a prince charming to come along and change my life. Well…….. I have since learned that I am the only one that can save myself from my life. Nobody can be responsible for my happiness but me. The good news is because I own my happiness, no one can take it away from me. I can give it away, but they can’t take it from me. There is much freedom in that awareness, there is also responsibility and accountability.
Another characteristic in “Cinderella” that I love is that the ordinary becomes extraordinary, a pumpkin turns into a chariot and mice turn into beautiful horses.
We have everything we truly need in any given moment, all we have to do is become aware of it.
Blessings and love,
Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!