We are all connected. We were all created out of the same creative energy. It only makes sense then that what we do and think about others, we do and think about ourselves. Jesus taught, as we do to others, we also do to Him.
So why do we hold grudges? Why do we get our feelings hurt? Why do we get angry? Because we have forgotten our connection with one another. We are One. The ego, that we self-created, works very hard to make us feel separate; that is its job after all. As we become more and more aware of our Divine true nature, we awaken to our true connected sacred oneness. As we do to others, we do to ourselves.
Most of us have been hurt by something that another person has done or said. However, it is up to us whether we choose to take it personal or not.
The experience presents us with an opportunity for growth. We can ask ourselves some questions, like: why does this bother me so much or is there a part of me that believes this is true or what can I heal within myself.
Sam loved Julie very much, yet he lied to her on a regular basis. Sam considered them “little white lies” because they were mostly small and insignificant. The lies caused Julie to feel very confused about what kind of relationship they had. She wondered what was wrong with her, that Sam felt the need to lie to her about silly things. For example, she asked him if he had mailed a package to his mother. He said yes, even though Julie knew the package was still in his car waiting to go to the post office. They had many conversations about Sam’s lies and how Julie felt hurt by them.
After doing a lot of work around Sam’s behavior and Julie’s feelings. Julie realized Sam’s lying was about Sam, not at all about her. Come to find out Sam’s lies where about him not feeling accepted or good enough. He hated conflict and confrontation at all cost. It wasn’t personal, Sam also lied when it came to business issues, which affected his business relationships as well.
Every time Sam lied to someone else, he was also lying to himself. He wasn’t proud of the man he had become and was constantly on edge that he would be found out.
As Sam and Julie become more and more aware of the unconditional love that they are heir to, they have more compassion, understanding and grace for one another.
A Course in Miracles talks about every encounter being a sacred experience. As we extend love and understanding to each other, we receive love and understanding in return.
Today, I pray we have have compassion and grace for ourselves and others. I pray we surrender all expectations and step into a place of unconditional love.
And so it is!
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE radiant, radical & real!