Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Well…. being responsible isn’t just about being a parent – what about pets, plants, homes, & of course mother earth.

Even if you are having to work an amazing amount of hours – your pet is still at home – waiting for you to arrive – maybe taken out of a crate – maybe waiting to be fed. What about plants that depend on us to be watered. What if the farmers didn’t feel responsible for their crops – we wouldn’t have food to eat. Please take a moment – what responsibilities are you ignoring for the sake of ……..what? If you made a commitment to take care of something or someone and are no longer standing in that commitment – I encourage you to ask for help – or turn that commitment over to someone else. No one benefits from our over commitment.

I pray that today that we honor ourselves in not over committing – and that we honor ALL & surrender what we aren’t managing. It’s a Choice! We can’t do it ALL!.

Blessings & Love,

Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!