Chakras are energy centers within the body. When we hold on to past pains and resentments, these energy systems become blocked.
So how do we awaken these energy systems within?
By getting real about how we feel.
There is a color that is associated with each chakra. When you imagine the circle of energy, image the color associated with it.
The 1st chakra – red – Located at the base of the spine. This is the part of you body that feels the connection with the earth.
To get in touch with this energy center, ask yourself:
How do I feel about being a part of this physical world?
Do I lose energy when I think about the environment, politics, traffic, family, responsibilities?
Do I think about what the earth provides for me?
How do I walk the earth (confident, joyful, fearful, uncertain)?
Do I contribute to the healing and nurturing of the planet ?
The Universe is here to support our every desire.
What do you want to create?
Imagine that your roots go all the way to the center of the earth. As you feel the depth of abundant energy, see yourself walking this earth with a powerful sense of purpose and productivity.
The 2nd chakra – orange – Located below the belly button. This is where our relationship energy lives.
How do you feel about your relationships?
Do you worry about your job or money?
Does your lower back hurt?
Are you critical, angry, or resentful?
When we harbor hurts and resentment, this is one of the places it sits within us. The way to clear this chakra is through forgiveness. Forgiveness is not about saying the actions were ok; forgiveness is saying “I am no longer going to carry this pain and bitterness in my being”.
The 3rd chakra – yellow -Location is the solar plexus. This chakra is all about self perception.
How do you feel about yourself?
Are you critical of yourself?
Do you take things personal? Do you worry that you aren’t good enough?
Do you take yourself too seriously?
How do you feel about what you see in the mirror?
Imagine that your soul chose your body and personality, for the purpose of realizing the perfection that you are. Everything that has happened to you is part of that growth. Choosing to breathe in Divine perfection is a way of clearing this chakra.
The 4th chakra – green or pink – Location is the heart.
Do you feel grateful?
How open is your heart?
Are you holding on to grudges or resentments?
Do you allow others to love you?
Do you allow yourself to love others?
Forgiveness is a way of opening this chakra. Forgiveness is a process. If you bring someone’s presence to your mind and you don’t feel compassion or love for them, the odds are, you are harboring pain and resentment.
This person was probably hurt, broken, and or abused in their life. This is not making excuses for the behavior, it’s just about finding a way to release the pain. Forgiveness is the only way to have more space in our heart for love.
Stop drinking the poison of resentment, hoping that someone else suffers. We are the only one that suffers from resentment and anger.
Who are you really mad at anyway?
Isn’t it time to forgive yourself?
You deserve your whole heart and so do those that love you.
The 5th chakra – blue – Location is the throat. This is where our voice and our choices live.
How do you feel about the choices you are making in your life?
Are you putting yourself out there or are you withholding yourself?
Are you reacting to what others say and do?
Are you being proactive in your life?
Are you choosing to be part of the solution or are you being part of the problem?
How do you speak?
Do you speak with love or with an attitude, resentment or criticism?
Are you coming from a place of love or a place of fear with your actions and words?
How different would the world be if everything that came out of our mouth came from a place of love, grounded in self worth, integrity, and a sense of oneness?
All we have to do is ask for a miracle in any moment, because we are all miracle workers. It’s a choice.
The 6th chakra – deep blue – Location the third eye, between our eye brows. This chakra is about our mind and intuition.
Do you manage your mind or does your mind run amuck?
How old is your mind?
Can you focus on something for five minutes or does your mind have a mind of its own?
Does your mind worry endlessly about things?
Does your mind try and get into other peoples’ minds and try and figure out what they are thinking?
Are you addicted to what others think?
If your mind is anywhere else but on you, then you are in someone else’s business. Call your mind back.
It’s all about perspective. When we change our mind, we change our life. Asking ourselves how we can bring love into any situation, is when a miracle can happen. We don’t have to do this alone. Help is waiting for the asking.
The 7th chakra – violet – Location is the crown at the top of the head.
How do you feel about the Divine, Spirit, God?
Do you feel alone?
Do you have a relationship with the Divine and all the angels and guides that are here to support your every desire? If not, why not?
Would you have more peace if you gave yourself permission to lay struggles on the altar of Love, with the “knowing” that they would be taken care of?
In spending time with these questions, you have showed the Universe, Divine, Spirit, God that freedom is important to you and you are willing to put effort into achieving it. Now be grateful for the shift that has occurred within.