Let’s face it, change can be scary.

I remember a time when I was so scared to step into something different, for fear of losing everything that I had ever known. I was afraid that I would lose myself and not even recognize who I was. A true alchemic (life changing) moment.

The truth is, I didn’t know who I was. I had stories that I told myself about who I was and what made me that way, but I didn’t really “know”.

I was comfortable in my unhappiness. To step out of that comfort zone would be stepping into something completely foreign to me. I was scared of the unknown.

I had to choose to surrender everything that I ever knew, for something that I had no clue about.

The cool thing is, after I choose the unknown, I really stepped into the “knowing.”

Surrender is not about giving up, on the contrary surrender is about letting go of the illusion of control.

Today I pray, we surrender control of each moment so we can become aware of the gift waiting to be known.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!