What makes us uncomfortable?

Most of us are comfortable in what we know. Even though we may be unhappy, we stay in jobs, relationships or maintain unhealthy habits; just because it’s what we know. It’s familiar.

Why is change so uncomfortable?

Because we don’t know exactly what change is going to look like, there is so much fear around the unknown. What if we change jobs and it doesn’t work out? What if we leave a relationship and end up alone? What if we ask someone out and they say no? What if we share our heartfelt feelings and they are met with a cold stare? What if we move to another country only to find there is no place like home? Sometimes we live with a false sense of security.There is nothing that can’t pass away, from a job to a relationship to a home.

Most of us are living small limited lives and there is a part of us that knows that. A part of us that is aching to take risks and do something more with our life.

So what could happen if we gave ourself permission to dream and expand? What if we tapped into our inner knowing, our Highest Self? What might we find?

Today, I pray we choose to expand into our adventurous, confident, creative self, becoming comfortable being uncomfortable, appreciating the change and  growth is in the making.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
