Have you ever noticed how easily some trees lose their leaves and others seem to hold on for dear life? That’s how our pasts can be. Some people, once they realize  they have a choice about holding on to the past or old thoughts that no longer serve them say….adios. Others hold on for dear life to thoughts of resentment and anger towards those who they feel have caused them pain (or done them wrong). Their resentment and anger defines them and becomes their persona. What they do not understand is that holding on to these feelings of anger and resentment is like drinking poison hoping the other person suffers.

Anger and resentment are poison to our bodies and to our hearts. We cannot whole-heartedly love others, if we are still nursing old wounds. The poison goes everywhere we go and seeps into every relationship we have.

Anger and resentment make us look older. It’s true. To take the test, first, look in the mirror, noticing your eyes, forehead, mouth, cheeks and overall face. Then do some journaling around something that you feel angry or resentful about. The more this journaling is done from the heart instead of the head, the more effective it will be.

You might want to journal about the following:

  • How has the experience(s) affected my life and maybe the life of others?
  • What did I miss out on because of the experience(s)?
  • What experience(s) did I want to have happened instead?
  • What did the other person involved in the experience(s) miss out on by not having a good relationship with me?
  • What did I miss out on by not having a good relationship with them?
  • Where do I think this person learned this behavior?
  • Do I think they operated from a place of love or fear (anger and resentment)?
  • Have I ever behaved in a similar way? When and with whom?
  • How could forgiving them and or the experience affect my life and maybe the lives of those around me?
  • If I let go of this resentment and anger, what would I want to replace it with?
  • If I had more love in my heart who would I share it with?
  • Forgiveness is a choice. When we choose forgiveness, everything changes. The world looks brighter, we feel lighter           and look younger. If you did this process and opened your heart to forgiveness, look in the mirror, I bet you look younger.

Today, I pray we let go of any and all past hurts and choose forgiveness and unconditional love for one another. That we see the spark of Love in everyone, no matter how dim the light; may we be kindling to that light with our acceptance, forgiveness and love.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
