If I don’t like your shoes, who is that about me or you? Me of course. If you don’t like my shoes, that’s about you! Isn’t it great that we all like different things. How boring would life be if we were all wearing the same clothes and shoes, living in the same kind of houses. If we all wanted to live in the same terrain, we would be in trouble. How about if we all wanted to do the same kind of work?

So why do we take things so personal?

Have you ever thought that somebody didn’t like you because of their tone or look on their face. We can be so sensitive! Instead of taking things personal, why don’t we start asking questions, like how are you doing. They may have a look on their face or tone in their voice for a myriad of reasons; their dog might have died or they had a bad day at work or maybe they are lonely.

When we take the time to compassionately get to know one another, we can find hidden gifts and similarities. I bet we could find something in common with every single person on the planet.

Today, I pray we connect with one another with the realization that there are similarities and differences worth celebrating.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
