Let’s face it, from the minute we wake up, our inner dialogue begins; “I should get up, I should walk, run, bike, pray, meditate, plan, eat better/less and the list goes on. It is no wonder so many people are on antidepressants. Who puts so much on our plates?
We know the answer, it is in our minds, we are the only ones that can change the way we think. We get to choose what we think about and how we think about it, it’s all about our perception. Two people can experience the exact same situation and perceive the situation totally different. You might have had a family discussions around this very idea. We remember experiences differently.
Who determines our shoulds or needs? How different would we be today if we had continued to question everything as curiously as we did when we were a toddler? Are we deciding what we believe and how we want to live our lives or are our ancestors running our life? Where did our inner dialog come from?
What if, our inner conversation was only uplifting and loving, never doubting or critical? Would our life look different? Just imagine being told with every thought that we are amazing, that our life could look like anything we wanted it to, limited only by our imagination. Would you be living your current life? If not, how would it be different?
I believe that it’s never too late to live the essence of our perfect life, even on our death bed.
Today I pray, we remember our true creative love essence and live out our wildest dreams.
And so it is!
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE radiant, radical & real!