Have you ever walked into a space that was clutter free and appreciated the space like a breath of fresh air? How about looking at a closet, house, office or landscape, and felt it was perfectly created?

Our lives can get filled with clutter and “stuff”, just like our minds can. We tend to accumulate and accumulate until it’s just a confusing blur.

We do that with our thoughts, relationships, clothes, paperwork, problems, and “stuff”. No wonder there are so many people on antidepressants!

A good question to ask ourself is, do these items, actions, words or thoughts take us closer to what we truly want, or further away from what we truly want. Debbie Ford wrote a great book called “The Right Questions”, that explores this idea deeper.

Jesus was a great example of clutter free when he sent his disciples off telling them not to take anything with them. Encouraging them to trust that their needs would be met.

Jesus separated himself from the crowd many times to be alone, creating the space for prayer and communication with Source. How often do we give ourself permission to be in a space of nothingness, a space of allowing?

Sometimes the more we have, the more difficult it is to not be attached to it.

Some monks, priests and nuns are asked to leave all material belongs behind in the quest for spiritual growth.

Everything we need and more will be provided for us, once we surrender our idea of what that looks like.

Some of us have hoarded money or belongings with the fear that there isn’t enough; which supports our thoughts of not being worthy enough of having all that we desire.

It’s time to let go of everything!

Today, I pray, we lift up all of our belongs, money, thoughts, words and deeds to the Divine, allowing the space for miracles to unfold.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
