Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where in our world are we limiting ourselves?

Where are we thinking small?

We are standing on a mountain of past history. We were told or felt something once and we keep looking for happenings or feelings to support what we have always/or for a long time believed about ourselves.

The good news is, it’s all an illusion. There is no way  what we remember is accurate. If three people or twelve have the same experience, they will not perceive it the same way.

So we can ask ourselves, does this memory serve my greater good? If not, why hold on to it?

For most of us,  it’s easier to live small than full out, because it’s more comfortable. We may not like it, but we know it, it’s familiar.

Who would we be without these thoughts; without this ego that we created and have spent a lot of time and energy protecting. Who would we be?

The ego supports separation and guilt. Without the ego, we would realize, we are all connected, our thoughts are connected, we are all a part of the consciousness of the world. We would feel our Divinity our oneness with all.

Today, I pray that we step out of separation and into the oneness that love holds the space for.

blessings & love,

Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!