
What do we delay or postpone in our lives? We procrastinate about cleaning out the garage, having a “difficult” conversation, looking for a new job, making phone calls, the list goes on. Here are some tips on how to make friends with procrastination and achieve a sense of accomplishment.

  • Make a list of everything you want or feel you need to do.
  • Mark off anything that is not really important or relevant.
  • Which items remaining on the list can be removed the quickest?
    Do those first and feel the accomplishment. ACCOMPLISHMENT creates MOTIVATION.
  • Put the remaining items in order of importance.
  • Which item affects your daily life the most? What do you need in order to take this item off the list?
  • Take a meditative moment and ask for some guidance, so you can take a fresh look at the issue. The tendency is to over complicate. There is probably an easier, faster way of addressing the issue.
  • Ask for help!
  • Make a move! Instead of thinking you need a day or week, commit to spending 15 minutes on an item on the list, until it’s completed.Rather than looking at the magnitude of a project, like cleaning a house or garage, focus on one small area of a garage or closet.
  • Ask some questions about everything that you see. Do I love this? Does this enhance my life or this space? How would it feel to have this space empty? What idea am I holding onto with this object or person? Am I afraid that if I get rid of “it”, I will need it later? Am I concerned that I won’t have the where with all to replace it?
  • Choose to believe in abundance (which has nothing to do with stuff)! When we clean out our spaces and lives, there’s more room for new stuff, adventures, experiences, and relationships. Remember whatever we let go of, might be somebody else’s new, and that’s fun.

Today I pray we choose to make friends with procrastination and do something that moves us closer to change, freedom, peace and abundance.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!