Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Neurologists have come to learn that our brains aren’t hardwired they have plasticity (google neuroplasticity for more info.) It’s easier to create new habits than it is to break old habits. So instead of focusing on what you don’t want – which is really giving more energy to it – focus on what you do want! Which thought do you want to feed (grow) – the ones you don’t want – or the ones you do want.? It only makes sense doesn’t it? Imagine roots from a tree or a plant – if you only gave water to part of the roots and not the other parts – part of the tree or plant would die and the other part would live – and if you cut the dead part off – it would flourish. What do you want flourishing in your mind? It’s your choice (see pulling weeds).
Today I pray that we grow the ideas that we want in our life…
So be it!
Blessings & Love,
Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!