Having a heartfelt conversation without judgement or criticism can be challenging.

Here are some steps that might help:

✴In order to have a heartfelt conversation, we have to “be in our heart”. That means from a place of feeling and compassion.

✴We can ask ourself, is this conversation necessary or important? Or is this an issue that keeps showing up for me? Without creating self guilt or shame, if we see a pattern, we might ask ourself, what part am I playing in creating these experiences? This may require some inner healing that has nothing to do with the other person.

✴Share that what you are about to say is all about you, because it is. NO ONE CAN MAKE US FEEL A CERTAIN WAY. Can people be rude or unkind? Yes. Do we have to take it personal? NO. This may be a time to set a boundary.

✴Use words like I feel…. frustrated, unloved, not good enough, when I hear… or when this happens. Words to avoid are, “you”, “never”, or “always”.

✴Don’t have expectations. Expectations are premeditated resentments. Our job is to be appropriately and constructively honest about our feelings. In doing so, we change the energy between us and the person we are communicating with. When we open our heart everything changes. Miracles happen! Relationships are enhanced or out of love go away.

✴Even though it may feel like eating dirt, share your feelings. The last thing we want to do when someone has hurt us, is to be vulnerable, open to more hurt. Yet when we step into this space of grace, miracles happen; the doors to a richer more fulfilling relationship are opened.

✴Don’t give up. Trust me, with practice it gets easier and easier. Remember we are all connected. As each one of us connects with each other in a real way, we are creating a wave of change.

Today, I pray that we choose to do something difficult (from a place of love), because it is in the difficult that we change, and as we change, the world changes.

And so it is!

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!
