Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Yes, that’s me in there – it’s only cold!
I was going to talk about the snow today, but when I saw this picture, I was reminded of the fact that we all have the same black dots in our eyes. I think it maybe the only thing that is exactly the same in all of us.
We are all created by the same Creator – how cool is that – we truly are all connected.
The only times we get in trouble (frustrated, resentful, angry, impatient, frustrated (yes I know I am repeating myself), self righteous, judgmental, critical, & more resentful is when we see ourselves as separate.
We are not separate – better or less than – we are the same.
We are created out of Love therefore we are Love.
The times that we feel something different are the times that we feel separate from our heritage of Love.
I am feeling safe, loved, & warm – I hope you are choosing to feel the same.
Blessings and love,