The feminine creative energy is always in action, from the earth birthing flowers, trees, and plants, to babies being born, to ideas and products being produced every second of every day all over the world.

So what are you creating in your world? Are you creating peace, happiness, and joy? If not, why not?

We get to choose what we think about. Our thoughts are creating our reality. Two people can have the same outward experience yet have totally different perceptions about the experience. Sue and Diane worked at the same company, doing the same job and where let go on the same day. Sue was angry and scared. She felt like she had been betrayed and was scared she couldn’t find another job. Diane on the other hand was very appreciative for the time she was able to work at this company and was looking forward to her next opportunity. She felt confident in her skills and her ability to find an even better job.

In order to create something different in our lives, we have to make different choices and choose different thoughts.

Remember, a definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Today I pray, we think loving thoughts, one thought at a time, birthing grande loving experiences.

And so it is.

blessings & love,


Until next time, BE radiantradical & real!