If you were to stand in front of a mirror naked, what would you see?
Most of us don’t see the Divine Spirit that we really are.
Most of us see flesh, and then we judge it; firm, flabby, better, worse, older, strong, weak. Some have never taken a good look, for fear of ……………….? What ever the thoughts, they are based in the past, not in the moment. They are based on judgments, criticisms, and fears that don’t have to be a part of this very instant, they don’t! What we see, is usually based on the story that we or someone else told us about ourselves.
A lion represents a pillar of strength, in his eyes we can see calm security. He knows he is the king of his kingdom.
We may walk around thinking we are fooling others about how we feel about ourselves, but the truth is, we aren’t. Our insecurities can show up in a myriad of ways, like shyness, not being able to look people in the eyes for fear of what we might see. Insecurity can show up in our reactive behavior, being a victim or martyr wanting to make others wrong so we can feel “right”. Sometimes insecurity shows up when telling others how “good” we are. A bully pushes people around in his effort to hide how insecure he really feels.
It takes courage to be vulnerable enough to admit our insecurities, yet once examined in the light, we can choose to be proactive in letting them go through acceptance, forgiveness and love. We then can humbly be the king of our kingdom, in which no one controls our thoughts and actions but us.
We have the power within us to change the moment, to create a miracle. We choose how we perceive what we see. We can choose to have compassion and understanding for others, in doing so, creating compassion for ourselves.
Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”
As we let go of past stories and beliefs that we automatically picked up without careful examination and choice, we can look in the mirror and see the beautiful Divine essence that we are.
Our eyes are the mirrors to our soul.
Today I pray, our eyes look upon all with love.
And so it is!
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE radiant, radical & real!