Would you sell everything and move to Hawaii? Would you quit your job to live your dream? What would that look like? What would you do? Let your imagination soar…………
Where would you go?
If you did this …….. how would you feel?
So…..check it out. Talk to someone who has done this ….. Go on the internet and gather information so you can get perspective. Imagine living day after day after day after day after day, doing/living what you think you want. Is this really what you want? Or is it the feeling that you really want? How can you get that feeling today, in this moment? What would you have to do?
If you think that family, spouse or responsibilities would keep you from this, think again, be creative, ask. You might be surprised at what you learn. Be inspired and encouraged; It’s just a leap of faith. We all have an adventurous spirit, limited only by our imagination.
Today I pray we bravely let go of all limiting beliefs that keep us stuck and choose to be mindfully in the moment of wonderment and excitement of the unknown, so we can……..
And so it is!
blessings & love,
Until next time, BE radiant, radical & real!