Saturday, September 10, 2011
I guess you could say Panda’s are tree huggers. This one is on loan from China to the San Diego zoo. Can you imagine trying to explain to him that he would be sooo much more comfortable if he slept on the ground?
How do we know? He looks comfortable to me, doesn’t he? How often do we exert a whole lot of energy trying to get someone to think like us – make our point – prove our point? Why is it so important for us to be right?
Isn’t it really more important to “feel” heard than it is to be right? There are as many different opinions as there are people. The trick is to listen to what the other person is saying so that we don’t take it personal, we just honor their opinion. We don’t have to be “right”, making the other person wrong. We can agree to disagree and be peaceful. Fighting anger with anger only creates more anger. The only way to diffuse anger is with love. Maybe it’s looking at what’s not being said, is what’s really important.
Imagine how we could turn around a heated argument by apologizing for raising “our” voice, maybe asking for a time out that might look something like, “I would like to revisit this at another time, maybe in the morning, does that work for you? If not then, when would be a good time.
Remember what you are feeling is about you.
There is a part of us that is the same . When we tap into that knowing and ask Spirit, what can I learn from this person or situation, that’s where the growing happens. We grow in the challenging, in doing something different, not in the easy.
It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
I pray that today we honor the sameness in each other & choose to love, that doesn’t mean approving of actions that don’t support love; it does mean accepting that the other person also has a Higher Spirit inside of them.
Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!