Sunday, September 18, 2011
When life is hard for us, there is a part of us, maybe unconsciously, that believes life is suppose to be hard. Life does not have to be hard. Have you ever met someone who was missing a limb by your standards, but as far as they were concerned, they weren’t missing anything. I have! I have also met people that are victims of EVERYTHING, of their significant other, their family, their boss, their siblings, their coworkers, the economy, even the weather. OK that used to be me.
We have a choice everyday, to look at how situations or people are hurting us, or how they are there to support our growth, to mirror something that we have not been ready to see or to face.
I have learned, that the sooner I see, the sooner I can move onto a different lesson, and let me tell you, there are lessons that I have experienced sooo many times, I could vomit. I know some of you know what I am talking about. Why do I keep attracting the same kind of guy? Why can’t people ever except me “just the way that I am”?
Well….. the truth of the matter is, we have to except ourselves “just the way we are” before anyone else can.
Today I pray that we step into the easier, that we surrender all that we have ever know, to know one thing, we are perfect; at the core of who we truly ARE.
blessings & love,
Until next time, be Radiant, Radical, & Real!