Monday, February 21, 2011

God’s will for us – is for us to be happy!

That’s it!

This whole universe is here for us to grow our soul.

It’s our choice whether we grow in pain or whether we grow in love.

Love and Fear cannot exist in the same space.

What separates us- is we have created an ego that wants to make us special or different – separate.

Yet our greatest fear is being separated & alone – not feeling accepted –  “not feeling good enough”.

What if – instead of looking at our differences – we looked at our similarities.

After working with 100s of souls – the common similarity is “not feeling good enough” and at the end of the day – feeling all alone. Not being alone, but feeling separated & alone.

Blessings and love,

(The Divine in me honors and blesses the Divine in you)

Until next time, be radiant, radical, & real!