How Do We Live in the Moment?…….

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 Living in the moment is a moment by moment choice – right? It’s about training our minds  that tend to run amuck. Try and focus your attention on one thing, how long can you hold a thought? The good news is, brain specialist have...

Our Brains Aren’t Hardwired

Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Neurologists have come to learn that our brains aren’t hardwired they have plasticity (google neuroplasticity for more info.) It’s easier to create new habits than it is to break old habits. So instead of focusing on what you don’t want –...

Finding Myself

Monday, July 18, 2011 I took this picture on my Bali trip – as I was thumbing through my pictures – it slapped me in the face. I look at it now & what it represents to me is – my mother on one side of me with her thoughts and idea & my dad on...


Thursday, July 14, 2011 Why do we make relationships so hard? Because until we know better, we can’t do better. We mirror behavior that we have learned from a parent or someone else significant in our life, usually the behavior that we didn’t like growing up –...

Feeling Grounded*

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 What grounds you? When do you feel most peaceful? For me, it’s when I am close to a body of water. I have always dreamed of living on the water. When my dad dropped dead on a golf course at 58, I realized that someday may never come. So I...

Living in the Moment

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 One of the things that I love about animals is they truly live in the moment. Have you ever noticed an animal that looks like he is thinking about the past and all the struggles that he has been through. It’s very rare to see an unhappy...