by DJ | Aug 8, 2012 | blog, create your life, love
If you don’t feel like you are receiving enough love or attention, go give some, Be loving and attentive. How often do we wait, blame, and/or be a victim about not getting what we think we want? The miracle happens when we give without any expectations.Expectations...
by DJ | Jun 4, 2012 | blog, create your life, peace, Truth
If you were to stand in front of a mirror naked, what would you see? Most of us don’t see the Divine Spirit that we really are. Most of us see flesh, and then we judge it; firm, flabby, better, worse, older, strong, weak. Some have never taken a good look, for fear of...
by DJ | Jun 1, 2012 | blog, create your life, love
Walls are created from fear. Boundaries are created from love, we teach people how to treat us, by setting boundaries. We can’t love our neighbor, spouse, friend, or child, if we don’t love ourselves. We just can’t. Boundaries are created out of loving ourselves and...
by DJ | May 29, 2012 | a course in miracles, blog, create your life, love
I used to think that I had no control over what I thought. There are times that I still feel that way. However, more often than not, I realize that I have a choice were I place my thoughts. This has become the most important proactive behavior that I can do to change...
by DJ | May 10, 2012 | blog, create your life, it's a choice
The feminine creative energy is always in action, from the earth birthing flowers, trees, and plants, to babies being born, to ideas and products being produced every second of every day all over the world. So what are you creating in your world? Are you creating...
by DJ | Apr 4, 2012 | blog, create your life, it's a choice
The word NO is one of the most powerful words in the English language, as is YES. Yes and no can both take us closer or further away from what we really want. How often do we say yes to things, when we really want to say no? By saying no to people, situations, foods...