you spot it, you got it

What we don’t like in others is what we don’t like in ourself. When we find ourself irritated by the behavior of someone, like fingernails on a chalkboard irritated, an opportunity for healing and growth has presented itself. The first step is to identify the...

animal spirits*

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 God is speaking to us all the time. Are we listening? One of the ways God speaks to us is through the spirit of animals. I love animals and birds! Whenever a particular species shows up, I am first grateful and then inquisitive. I wonder...

it’s a choice

Choosing happiness is not always easy. “Stuff” happens every day! People say things and our feelings can get hurt. We can get angry or frustrated or both. There is traffic “stuff” and there’s that government “stuff”. We have friends, family, spouses, children...

trashing thoughts*

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Some thoughts don’t serve us. Why do we obsess over thoughts that we really do not want to have? These unwanted thoughts usually have their roots in our addiction to what other people think; creating in us feelings of unworthiness or...