by DJ | Jul 21, 2013 | blog, love, mindfulness
I just love the word EVOLVE. It has LOVE written all over it. Just look at it, no other letters, just the letters of love; backwards and forwards. There are so many words in the English language that say it like it is. Some other examples that are obvious, but not...
by DJ | Jul 21, 2013 | blog, love, mindfulness, Truth
As human beings we make mistakes. We behave in ways that are not becoming through our actions and words. When we acknowledge our errors in behavior and make apologies or amends we bring them into the light transforming them into miracles. After we become aware of our...
by DJ | Jul 13, 2013 | blog, meditation, mindfulness
In order to FOCUS on what’s important, we get to do some house cleaning. We have four aspects of being: PHYSICAL – How do you feel about your physical presence in the world? Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want or like. As we see ourselves in...
by DJ | Jun 25, 2013 | blog, happiness, love, mindfulness
We have the power to transmute any moment. We are Light, therefore we can brighten any moment. It’s true! Here’s a way you can check this idea out. The next time you are in a heated moment or irritated, just say “I love you” or if you don’t think that is appropriate,...
by DJ | Jun 25, 2013 | blog, happiness, mindfulness, Truth
Growth happens when we step on the other side of fear; the fear of being rejected. The fear of not feeling good enough. Isn’t that what it’s all about? We don’t speak our mind because we are afraid our opinion won’t be received well. We don’t ask for a raise for...
by DJ | Jun 15, 2013 | blog, happiness, love, mindfulness
I saw a young child on a golf cart today standing on his grandmother’s knees waiving his arms and making happy noises, just because. He didn’t have to have a reason to be happy, he just was. What great teachers children are. Life is new and exciting. They find...