We are never alone

We are never alone

As I was working on a project today, I took a time out to do a visualization and have a conversation with God. God has such an amazing sense of humor to me. So here I am, imagining climbing up a steep mountain and concentrating on not thinking about anything so that I...

what is your vibration?

Everybody and everything has a vibration, an energy. Have you ever been at a concert or in a church and the music caused emotions to well up in you? The music facilitated the change of the vibration within you. Most of us have heard about the miracle of prayer that...


Surrender is a concept that has served me well on my inward journey. I used to think that surrender was a passive idea; now I realize it takes will power and determination to surrender the illusion of control. Surrendering to the awareness of not having all the...


Courage is “the ability to do something that frightens one” as defined by Webster. For many of us, to get real with our feelings takes a lot of courage. When we get real with how we feel, those feelings usually want a voice. Some of us, however, grew up with the...

comfortable being uncomfortable

What makes us uncomfortable? Most of us are comfortable in what we know. Even though we may be unhappy, we stay in jobs, relationships or maintain unhealthy habits; just because it’s what we know. It’s familiar. Why is change so uncomfortable? Because we don’t know...

a time of rebirthing

Spring is a great to time for appreciation and gratitude for rebirth. There are certain trees and flowers that automatically rebirth every year; out with the old, in with the new. Watching emerging foliage with their beauty coming forth in abundance is an opportunity...