by DJ | May 3, 2017 | blog, meditation, mindfulness, peace
When I was visiting a Temple in Thailand, I saw the cutest dog, sitting on the steps right underneath this huge Buddha. He obviously belonged to someone. It was like the owner said “sit here and wait for me patiently,” and his patience wore out. I...
by DJ | Oct 22, 2013 | a course in miracles, blog, love, meditation, Truth
A Course in Miracles speaks of spending the day thinking only of God. Calling upon God’s name repeatively throughout the day. This exercise is an effective tool for being in the moment. Since God is Love, can you imagine how our life could look, if we saw...
by DJ | Oct 22, 2013 | blog, meditation, mindfulness
Meditation is an act of focused attention, creating a space of flow; of letting out and allowing in. We all meditate, we just don’t call it meditation. When there is a sunset that takes our breath away, the beauty causes a moment of meditation. The birth of a...
by DJ | Jul 13, 2013 | blog, meditation, mindfulness
In order to FOCUS on what’s important, we get to do some house cleaning. We have four aspects of being: PHYSICAL – How do you feel about your physical presence in the world? Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want or like. As we see ourselves in...
by DJ | Feb 16, 2013 | blog, happiness, love, meditation, mindfulness
Visiting from his home in China, my son was a great example of gratitude. The first thing he noticed upon arriving to the states was the blue sky. Where he lives in China, one rarely sees the sun through the skies clouded with the remnants from coal burning. I found...
by DJ | Aug 15, 2012 | blog, love, meditation, Truth
Growing up Catholic, prayer became just words. I attended a private school that sometimes included Church as part of our school day. The “Hail Mary” and the “Our Father”, where prayers that were said with a rosary (prayer beads) or just independently. I remember being...