growth is risky business

Growth happens when we step on the other side of fear; the fear of being rejected. The fear of not feeling good enough. Isn’t that what it’s all about? We don’t speak our mind because we are afraid our opinion won’t be received well. We don’t ask for a raise for...


All great creations come from our imagination. Sometimes we forget that we are creative beings. We were born out of creation to create. We forget how powerful we are. We get stuck in the ordinary and mundane, instead of creating extraordinary magnificence. When we...


Courage is “the ability to do something that frightens one” as defined by Webster. For many of us, to get real with our feelings takes a lot of courage. When we get real with how we feel, those feelings usually want a voice. Some of us, however, grew up with the...

do you know who you really are?

I don’t think most of us really understand or appreciate who we really are. When we think about ourselves, we usually think about how we look and the qualities or traits that we have. And depending on what kind of day we are having, we may consider ourselves to be a...

stepping up

This is a divine time. Each and every one of us is being called upon to step up into being who we truly are. Our divine nature is important to the evolution of our world. It starts in our home, family and community. It’s time to step more fully into the skin...

a time of rebirthing

Spring is a great to time for appreciation and gratitude for rebirth. There are certain trees and flowers that automatically rebirth every year; out with the old, in with the new. Watching emerging foliage with their beauty coming forth in abundance is an opportunity...