being grateful

Being grateful is a state of Being. How many times do we do something for others with an expectation of them being grateful to us for what we have done; and if we don’t feel they were grateful enough, we tend to build up resentment toward them. We were created...

focusing on love

A Course in Miracles speaks of spending the day thinking only of God. Calling upon God’s name repeatively throughout the day. This exercise is an effective tool for being in the moment. Since God is Love, can you imagine how our life could look, if we saw...


“I need do nothing,” is a quote from A Course in Miracles of which I am a student. “Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more in that instant than if you spent a century in contemplation”. NOW is the only moment there is. PERIOD! As we realize  we...

do you know who you really are?

I don’t think most of us really understand or appreciate who we really are. When we think about ourselves, we usually think about how we look and the qualities or traits that we have. And depending on what kind of day we are having, we may consider ourselves to be a...

stepping up

This is a divine time. Each and every one of us is being called upon to step up into being who we truly are. Our divine nature is important to the evolution of our world. It starts in our home, family and community. It’s time to step more fully into the skin...

getting off the cross

No matter what religion we affiliate with or don’t, any day, is a great day to choose resurrection. Even if we are dragged to the cross, it’s our choice to stay on the cross. Through surrender, love and forgiveness we ascend into freedom. We have all experienced...