less is more

Have you ever walked into a space that was clutter free and appreciated the space like a breath of fresh air? How about looking at a closet, house, office or landscape, and felt it was perfectly created? Our lives can get filled with clutter and “stuff”,...

appreciation is a platform for growth

Have you ever been in awe of someone’s talents or attitudes? If “you spot it, you got it.” You might be saying I can’t play music like that or sing like that, maybe not, but how else are you creative, how else do you extend yourself in the world? Maybe you...

awareness is key

“You cannot change what you do not acknowledge”. Dr. Phil’s Life Law #4 In other words if I’m having a hard time with situations and people, what’s the common denominator? ME! The only way to begin to change our lives is to realize it starts, here. That means...