growth is risky business

Growth happens when we step on the other side of fear; the fear of being rejected. The fear of not feeling good enough. Isn’t that what it’s all about? We don’t speak our mind because we are afraid our opinion won’t be received well. We don’t ask for a raise for...

children can teach us so much

I saw a young child on a golf cart today standing on his grandmother’s knees waiving his arms and making happy noises, just because. He didn’t have to have a reason to be happy, he just was. What great teachers children are. Life is new and exciting. They find...


All great creations come from our imagination. Sometimes we forget that we are creative beings. We were born out of creation to create. We forget how powerful we are. We get stuck in the ordinary and mundane, instead of creating extraordinary magnificence. When we...

the best dad ever!

My earthly dad was an awesome guy. I didn’t always think that, because sometimes he was really tough. He could get this look on his face that would bring me to tears. He didn’t yell with a loud voice that often, but instead he would yell through clenched...

what is your vibration?

Everybody and everything has a vibration, an energy. Have you ever been at a concert or in a church and the music caused emotions to well up in you? The music facilitated the change of the vibration within you. Most of us have heard about the miracle of prayer that...


Surrender is a concept that has served me well on my inward journey. I used to think that surrender was a passive idea; now I realize it takes will power and determination to surrender the illusion of control. Surrendering to the awareness of not having all the...


Courage is “the ability to do something that frightens one” as defined by Webster. For many of us, to get real with our feelings takes a lot of courage. When we get real with how we feel, those feelings usually want a voice. Some of us, however, grew up with the...


Humility has become one of my best friends. As my mind has matured, which has nothing to do with age, I have come to realize that the more I learn, the more I am aware of the vastness of what I don’t know. I grew up believing that it was more important to be right...


“I need do nothing,” is a quote from A Course in Miracles of which I am a student. “Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more in that instant than if you spent a century in contemplation”. NOW is the only moment there is. PERIOD! As we realize  we...

our thoughts are creating something

We are creative energy. John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich, loved to eat while he was playing cards. In 1748 he came up with the idea of putting beef between two pieces of bread, thereby creating the “sandwich”. What a great story! I heard that Thomas Edison set...